What is a Chromosome?
Chromosomes, composed of protein and DNA, are distinct dense bodies found in the
nucleus of cells. Genetic information is contained in the DNA of chromosomes in the
form of linear sequences of bases (A,T,C,G). The DNA in an individual chromosome is
one, long molecule which is highly coiled and condensed.The total number of bases in
all the chromosomes of a human cell is approximately six billion and individual
chromosomes range from 50 to 250 million bases. The DNA sequence for a single trait
is called a gene. Each chromosome contains a few thousand genes, which range in size
from a few thousand bases up to 2 million bases.
During most of the cell cycle, interphase, the chromosomes are somewhat less condensed
and are not visible as individual objects under the light microscope. However during
cell division, mitosis, the chromosomes become highly condensed and are then visible
as dark distinct bodies within the nuclei of cells. The chromosomes are most easily
seen and identified at the metaphase stage of cell division and most of the chromosome
images in this gallery are pictures of metaphase chromomosomes.
The number of chromosomes in human cells is 46 with 22 autosomal pairs (one of each type
contributed by the mother and one of each type from the father) and 2 sex chromosomes
- 2 X chromosomes for females (one from father and one from mother) or an X and a Y
chromosome for males (the X from the mother and the Y from the father). The characteristic
banding of chromosomes you will see in pictures here is obtained by staining with
various dyes. The banding of chromosomes by using dyes was discovered in the late 1960's
and before that cytogeneticists depended on chromosome length and position of a
constriction to identify the individual chromosomes. The band width and the order of
bands is characteristic of a particular chromosome - a trained cytogeneticist can
identify each chromosome (1,2,3...22, X and Y) by observing its banding pattern under
the microscope.