Flu Shots Available
The Employee Health Clinic is offering injectable flu vaccine to all staff, faculty, and public on the following date:
Wednesday, November 9, 2005
1:00 - 4:00 PM
T-483 HSB
All shots are $20.00 each (exact cash or checks payable to: HHPCC)
Science in Medicine Lecture
Luis F. Santana, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Physiology and Biophysics
New Investigator Lecturer
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Lecture location: T-625, HSB
12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.
Topic: Transcriptional Control of Cardiac and Vascular Smooth
Muscle Excitation: During Heart failure and Hypertension
Harborview Medical Center
TeleHealth Video Conference location
Location: Research & Training Building, room 121
12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.
TeleHealth Video Conference location
Location: Building 1, Room 518
12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.
UW Combined Fund Drive Update
It's not too late to contribute to the UW Combined Fund Drive. You have until November 23 to sign up and give a portion of your paychecks to charity through this workplace giving program. Last year the Combined Fund Drive raised more than $1.4 million through the generosity of UW employees to support more than 2,300 charities. Faculty, staff and students can find out how their donations make a difference, and also learn about volunteer and internship opportunities by contacting Department of Pathology Representative
Zale Carroll or by visiting the following websites: and
2005 Department of Pathology Holiday Party
The 2005 Department of Pathology Holiday Party is Tuesday, December 13th from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM in the South Campus Center. Please mark your calendars.
Graduate Student Career Development Symposium
The Graduate School and the Center for Career Services are pleased to present the second annual Career Development Symposium for Graduate Students. This event is designed to be an opportunity for doctoral students and post-docs to hear from and talk with alumni and faculty about the challenges and opportunities in making career choices.
November 18, 2005
1:00 - 6:00 PM
HUB 310
Please visit the Center for Career Services website for more information.
CERT Volunteers Needed
Several weeks ago, members of the UW Campus Emergency Response Team, or CERT, participated in a training exercise, searching and retreiving "victims" of a simulated 6.7 earthquake on the Seattle fault zone. Six people were bandaged and sent off to Sand Point, where the 26 participating CERT volunteers surveyed the disaster zone and decided which victims should be retrieved first, and then performed the rescue. The 26 volunteers are among 51 UW employees who have agreed to be a part of CERT, aiding with the response in their building as well as reporting to the emergency operations center, should disaster strike. Another training - including a simulation - will be held Nov. 7-9, and volunteer positions are still open. Anyone interested should contact CERT coordinator Scott Preston, 206-897-2378, or
In the News

Photo by: Steve BerardRussell Ross Lecture RecapBrad Weinstein from the National Institutes of Health presented the annual Russell Ross Lecture on October 17th. Dr. Weinstein's lecture was entitled,
Assembly of the Developing Vasculature. Pictured with Dr. Weinstein is Nelson Fausto, Professor and Chair, and Elaine Raines, Research Professor and Ross Lecture sponsor.
South Lake Union Development
The Seattle Times recently published an article on "The changing face of South Lake Union," highlighting many of the major developments in area, including the focus on the biotechnology industry.
Please visit the Seattle Times for the complete article.

Photos by: Dan Luff and Steve Berard
Anatomic Pathology Gross Room Renovation
After nearly five months of construction, the newly renovated Anatomic Pathology Gross Room opened the last week of August, 2005. The $350,000 renovation project, designed to improve ventilation and work space ergonomics, features three elevating, self contained Thermo Shandon grossing stations along with one outpatient biopsy station. Though the footprint of the lab increased by only 136 square feet, it now offers a dramatically more open feeling with better utilization of space to support many different specialty services.
Kudos to all of the Anatomic Pathology support staff, residents and management that collaborated on the project's design and planning, ensuring the renovation would be a success. The Autopsy Division also played a critical role in the remodel, welcoming gross room functions into the autopsy suite for an extended period of time. It is worth noting that not a single specimen was lost during the transition. A special thanks to all who were involved in the process and for their patience and input.
2006 Seattle Marathon
UWMC was recently named the title sponsor of the 2006 Seattle Marathon with Donate Life the official charity to benefit from the race. Watch this space for more information. The 2005 Seattle Marathon is Sunday, November 27th.
Visit the marathon website to register for the race.
Path People
Priscilla Thurber Retirement Party
Photos by: Tom Small
A wonderful time was had by all as we celebrated Priscilla Thurber's retirement party at the Portage Bay room at South Campus Center on October 27th. Priscilla was a dedicated member of the Department of Pathology for thirty-four years. We wish her well as she steps into this new season of her life.
Toni Bennett, On The Edge
Photo by: Toni Bennett
The Cascasdes Academy of Photography in Issaquah is hosting a group exhibit featuring photographs from members of the University of Washington Photography Group, including our own Toni Bennett, Finance Administrator for the Department of Pathology. The exhibit, entitled "On the Edge," will run December 5-30, 2005 with an opening reception on December 9th. Four of Toni's photographs will be on display, including "Ladybug" pictured right.
Please visit the Cascades Academy of Photography website for more information on the exhibit.
HR News
PEBB Medical/Dental Open Enrollment
Medical/dental open enrollment is October 24 through November 30, 2005, with changes taking effect on January 1, 2006. To review your current UW benefits enrollment, please visit the
Employee Self Service website.
Changing your Coverage
If you are not making any changes to your medical or dental plans, you do not need to do anything. You will automatically continue with the same plan, and your family coverage will remain unchanged. However, if you choose to change your medical/dental plan(s) or re-enroll/delete a dependent whose name is currently displayed on the PEBB online system, please visit
the Washington State Health Care Authority website.
To add a dependent not previously covered, you must still submit a paper form to the Benefits Office, UW mailbox 355660. Visit the
Health Benefits website for more information.
APS Helplink
UW Carelink - the UW's employee assistance program - now includes an online service offering UW faculty and staff information, discussion, and even self-assessments focusing on personal issues and problems. For information and access to this service, visit the
Carelink website.
Weight Watchers on Campus
All are welcome to join weight watchers on Campus with three meeting options now
available at Schmitz Hall, Health Sciences, and Harborview. For details, please visit the
Weight Watchers information page.
Investment Seminars and In-person Appointments
Retirement Plan Fund Sponsors offer financial education seminars at no cost to you and are a great way to plan for the future and learn more about investing. For times and locations of the seminars, or to make an appointment with a fund sponsor representative, see the
Benefits Office Events Calendar.
Transit News
Shop, Dine and Ride
Did you know that the Shop, Dine & Ride incentive coupons in connection with the upcoming Downtown Tunnel Closure are now available online for printing?
Visit the Shop, Dine and Ride website and then choose "Shop" or "Dine" to select the coupons you want to use. Please make sure when printing them that you select single pages only, if you don't intend to print the entire booklet!
Fremont Bridge Construction Update
The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is constructing new approaches to the Fremont Bridge. The approaches are the elevated roadway structures that lead to the double-leafed portion of the bridge.
About the Fremont Bridge
The Fremont Bridge is the key transportation link between the Fremont neighborhood and the Queen Anne and Westlake communities. It is one of only five Lake Washington Ship Canal bridges that link the northern end of Seattle to the Central Downtown Business District.
Work to be Done
The new structures will be in the same location and the same size as the existing approaches so they meet up with the existing bascule bridge and roadways at either end. In addition to replacing the approach structures, SDOT will upgrade the electrical and mechanical drive mechanisms that lift the bridge, and will replace the obsolete bridge maintenance shop located beneath the south approach.
Please visit the Seattle Department of Transportation website for updated information on the Fremont Bridge Approaches Replacement Project.